The challenges of writing safe Lua abstractions in Rust

For the past few months, as an exercise of writing low-level Rust/C interop code, I’ve been trying to write a safe high-level interface for the Lua virtual machine in Rust. I may or may not publish my code as a crate eventually, but regardless, here are a few challenges I’ve faced.

Ensuring stack space

Most Lua APIs interact with the stack, and the Lua documentation emphasizes that you (the caller) must ensure there is enough stack space before calling a function that modifies the stack. The stack is a LIFO collection, and the API offers many functions to push, pop and inspect the elements inside it. The API does not perform bounds checking however, so if you don’t ensure enough space for an operation, it will trigger undefined behavior.

Writing safe Rust code means it can never trigger UB. Under no circumstances should safe code ever be able to trigger UB, which means our safe abstraction must be able to prevent every edge case that may trigger UB. If safe code somehow manages to trigger UB, we can only ever hope for a nice segfault.

This is a deceptively hard problem to solve. One naive solution is to simply call lua_checkstack before all calls that push to the stack.

assert(lua_checkstack(L, 1)); // ensure stack space for the number
lua_pushnumber(L, 1.2);

We can then create a safe abstraction for pushing to a stack, so that the caller won’t have to worry about stack spaces.

struct Stack(*mut lua_State);

impl Stack {
    fn push_number(&self, n: f64) {
        unsafe {
            assert!(lua_checkstack(self.0, 1) != 0);
            lua_pushnumber(self.0, n);

However, calling lua_checkstack before every stack operation seems rather inefficient. Although Rust incurs essentially no performance penalty for calling C functions, and the function itself should be a quick pointer comparison most of the time, it’s more efficient to perform one stack check and reallocation for a large set of operations if possible. Also, as I’ll discuss later, this combining of stack checks actually becomes necessary to support proper error handling without significant overhead. For example, the following two snippets are equivalent, but the latter is clearly more efficient:

// lua equivalent: { foo = "bar" }
assert(lua_checkstack(L, 1)); // ensure stack space for the table
assert(lua_checkstack(L, 1)); // ensure stack space for the value
lua_pushstring(L, "bar");
lua_setfield(L, -2, "foo"); // set the field

// optimized equivalent:
assert(lua_checkstack(L, 2)); // ensure stack space for both the table and value
lua_pushstring(L, "bar");
lua_setfield(L, -2, "foo"); // set the field

How could we group these related operations together and predict the total required stack space in advance? One elegant solution is to represent each stack operation as an expression. The creation of a table is an expression, and the pushing of a string is also an expression. The setting of a field is a composite expression taking three child expressions — the table, key and value — forming an expression tree. We can then take advantage of Rust’s expressive type system and static analysis to accurately predict the required stack space at compile time.

For simplicity and illustrative purposes, let’s assume that evaluating an expression pushes exactly one value onto the stack. This would be more complex if we were to support multi-valued expressions. We can create an abstraction for expressions using traits, and implement the trait for every type that can be evaluated on the stack.

trait Expression {
    /// The number of stack slots required for this expression.
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int;

    /// Evaluates this expression on the stack.
    /// # Safety
    /// Caller must ensure there is enough stack space.
    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State);

struct NewTable;
struct PushString(String);
struct SetField<T: Expression, K: Expression, V: Expression>(T, K, V);

Implementing Expression for NewTable and PushString is straightforward; both require only one stack space for the push operation.

impl Expression for NewTable {
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int = 1;

    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State) {

impl Expression for PushString {
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int = 1;

    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State) {
        lua_pushlstring(stack, self.0.as_ptr() as *const c_char, self.0.len());

Implementing Expression for SetField is less straightforward, but it is intuitive. Each operand of the expression can be arbitrarily complex themselves, but we know that evaluating them will push exactly one value onto the stack each as a result. Thus the required stack space for a SetField is the maximum of its operands’ required stack space plus whatever is already on the stack from evaluating the previous operands.

impl<T: Expression, K: Expression, V: Expression> Expression for SetField<T, K, V> {
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int = max(
        1 + K::STACK_SIZE, // +1 to account for the table on the stack
        2 + V::STACK_SIZE, // +2 to account for the table and key

    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State) {
        self.0.eval(stack); // push table
        self.1.eval(stack); // push key
        self.2.eval(stack); // push value
        lua_settable(stack, -3); // pop key and value into field
        // the table is left on the stack

Then it is simply a matter of composing the expressions and inspecting the stack size constant in order to evaluate them safely. We can create arbitrarily complex expressions and the compiler will always be able to predict the exact amount of required stack space (well, as far as recursion_limit allows).

impl Stack {
    fn eval<E: Expression>(expr: &E) {
        unsafe {
            // ensure stack space for the entire expression
            assert!(lua_checkstack(self.0, E::STACK_SIZE) != 0);

// compose and evaluate complex expression
let stack: Stack = ...;
let table = NewTable;
let key = PushString("foo".into());
let value = PushString("bar".into());
stack.eval(SetField(table, key, value)); // { foo = "bar" }

Finally, a safe high-level Lua abstraction with little overhead… Right?

Error handling

Unfortunately, it turns out that the code above is completely unsafe due to the lack of error handling. Many Lua APIs can throw exceptions, for example if the allocation for the new table or string fails. Reading and writing table fields can also throw exceptions because the table may have metamethods. However, whereas a C++ runtime would be able to throw real exceptions, Lua is written in C which doesn’t have real exceptions; instead it emulates them using longjmp.

A longjmp is essentially a goto that is not restricted to a function scope. It can jump up anywhere there is a setjmp. Lua uses these functions to create a protected context. Before calling some fallible code, it creates a recovery point with a setjmp and then calls the fallible code. If the fallible code wants to throw an exception, it pushes the exception onto the stack and then performs a longjmp back to the recovery point. This achieves an effect similar to a C++ try/catch block.

At this point, it’s probably necessary to clarify some terminologies. There is the Lua stack which is a heap-allocated structure that contains Lua values. Lua code uses this stack for passing function arguments and return values, holding local variables, etc. A Lua stack are tied to a Lua thread, and in practice these are the same thing. Lua threads are also called coroutines or green threads; there seems to be no consensus on how to call this thing.

There is also the call stack which is a block of raw memory where native code stores things like local variables, return addresses, etc. Both C code and Rust code share the same call stack. A call stack is tied to a real OS thread.

With that in mind, let’s imagine what might happen when the Lua runtime encounters some Lua code that wants to throw an exception. It pushes the exception value onto the Lua stack, then performs a longjmp back to the recovery point. This is like traversing up the call stack with a goto until the recovery point, jumping over all stack frames between the longjmp and setjmp points. The recovery point then detects that a longjmp had occurred and pops the exception value from the Lua stack.

This is perfectly fine in the context of plain old C code. However, where it becomes problematic is when Rust code is intermingled with C code. The issue with longjmp is that its behavior is platform-dependent and it does not play nicely with Rust’s destructors. longjmp could be implemented by simply changing the stack pointer which results in Rust’s stack frames being “forgotten”. Although safe Rust doesn’t actually guarantee that destructors are ever called, it would be in our best interests to avoid leaking memory by forgetting destructors. longjmp could also be implemented by unwinding the stack, and it may or may not call destructors while unwinding. If it does call destructors, that would trigger undefined behavior unless the Rust stack frame is marked with C-unwind which is still experimental.

It seems like there is no way to write safe Rust code that can be jumped over by longjmp without relying on platform implementation details. We also want to be able to catch exceptions without letting them propagate through Rust code. That means we need to wrap every fallible code in a protected context so that the exception is caught before it touches Rust stack frames. Fortunately, Lua provides lua_pcall to do exactly this.

Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT complications

To fix the earlier examples, we could try wrapping the code for allocating the table and string using lua_pushcfunction. This creates a Lua function, that calls back into Rust code, that calls back into Lua to create a new table, and we can call that wrapper function in a protected context using lua_pcall.

impl Expression for NewTable {
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int = 1; // one for the callback function

    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State) {
        unsafe extern "C" fn cb_newtable(L: *mut lua_State) -> c_int {
            // lua guarantees 20 stack space; no checkstack necessary
            1 // return the new table

        lua_pushcfunction(stack, cb_newtable);
        assert!(lua_pcall(stack, 0, 1, 0) == 0, "out of memory");
        // the table is now on the stack

This code should be perfectly safe. Problem solved? Unfortunately in Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT implementations, lua_pushcfunction can also throw a memory error if allocation for the Lua wrapper for the C function fails.

We could use lua_cpcall instead, which only exists in Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT. It guarantees that it will never throw, but there is a catch: The callback called by lua_cpcall cannot return any values. Why does this limitation exist? I’m not sure. One way to circumvent this is to create a separate temporary thread to perform the fallible operation on, and then move the result to the main stack.

impl Expression for NewTable {
    const STACK_SIZE: c_int = 2; // two for the thread and table

    unsafe fn eval(&self, stack: *mut lua_State) {
        // create a temporary thread for fallible operation
        // this also pushes the thread onto the main stack
        let temp = lua_newthread(stack);

        unsafe extern "C" fn cb_newtable(L: *mut lua_State) -> c_int {
            // pointer to the main stack given as the first argument
            let stack = lua_topointer(L, 1) as *mut lua_State;
            // lua guarantees 20 stack space; no checkstack necessary
            // move the new table to the main stack
            lua_xmove(L, stack, 1);


        // create the table on the temporary thread
        assert!(lua_cpcall(temp, cb_newtable, stack as *mut c_void) == 0, "out of memory");

        // the table is now on the stack; remove temporary thread
        lua_replace(stack, -2);

        // the table is left on the stack

Okay, now this code should be perfectly safe. Problem solved? Unfortunately, lua_newthread can also throw a memory error if allocation fails. To create a temporary thread to catch exceptions, we need to create another temporary thread to safely create the temporary thread, like a chicken and egg problem. One way to circumvent this is to create the temporary thread on runtime initialization, cache it to the registry and retrieve it when necessary, since reading a field from a table will never throw (without metamethods, at least).

As you can see, even the deceptively simple act of creating a new empty table can get quite convoluted when creating a safe abstraction that can handle every edge case. It seems impossible to create a safe “zero-cost” abstraction for Lua when the API does not provide any way of handling errors in a zero-cost manner.

There is another edge case we need to handle when interacting with Lua 5.1 and LuaJIT: lua_checkstack can throw a memory error. That’s right, the very function responsible for checking if the stack can be resized, will also throw if resizing the stack fails, so it must also be wrapped in a protected context…

impl Stack {
    fn eval<E: Expression>(expr: &E) {
        unsafe {
            unsafe extern "C" fn cb_checkstack<E: Expression>(L: *mut lua_State) -> c_int {
                // this can throw since we are protected
                luaL_checkstack(L, E::STACK_SIZE, b"out of memory".as_ptr() as *const c_char);

            assert!(lua_cpcall(self.0, cb_checkstack::<E>, ptr::null_mut()) == 0, "out of memory");

This circles back to the previously discussed point about combining stack checks for a large set of operations. A simple lua_checkstack may be cheap and unsafe, but wrapping that in lua_cpcall for safety probably adds a non-negligible overhead. Combining the stack checks is a nice compromise that achieves both safety and performance.

Zero-cost error handling using C++ exceptions

Everything I’ve discussed so far relied on lua_pcall to create a protected context. This is reasonable because a Rust library that interacts with a Lua host cannot assume anything about how the exception mechanism is actually implemented under the hood, and on most systems that would be setjmp/longjmp. However when Rust code is the host of Lua code, we have the option of compiling Lua to use real C++ exceptions as its exception mechanism.

This may allow us to ditch lua_pcall and all the dance around temporary threads, but Rust code still cannot catch C++ exceptions directly, or so it seems. Rust panics are probably implemented using the same unwinding mechanism (libunwind) as Lua (if compiled in C++ with Clang?) which could allow us to catch exceptions directly in Rust using catch_unwind, but the documentation explicitly declares this as undefined behavior. We could also try using the try compiler intrinsic directly, but this nightly-only API will never be stabilized and there seems to be very little documentation around its usage.

As far as I can tell, the only safe and stable way of catching C++ exceptions in Rust that doesn’t rely on black magic is manually writing C++ wrapper functions for every Lua function that may throw and linking them into Rust. It would be a massive PITA, but there shouldn’t be any overhead from calling C++ wrapper functions if link-time optimizations are enabled.

I’ve yet to explore this area further, but the possibility of safe zero-cost abstractions makes exploring it seem worthwhile in the future.